Breaking silos to provide transparent networks, reduce fraud, secure data, and improve the patient experience
  • Supply Chain
Use cases
  • Decentralized Storage
  • DeFi
  • Reconciliation
Solution Overview

For healthcare providers, blockchain offers the ability to bring together siloed networks to empower more efficient partner communication and unify dispersed transactions throughout ecosystems. The secure and transparent infrastructure of blockchains reduce instances of fraud and empower patients to own their own data while providing visibility on a need-to-know basis. Cost savings in the categories of unnecessary billing and incorrect information have the potential to range upwards of hundreds of billions. For Life Sciences, the track and trace capabilities of blockchain offer an opportunity to dramatically innovate the industry. Transparency across the Life Science’s supply chain enable trust and visibility among patients, investigators, managers, manufacturers and doctors. In an industry where regulations are heavy, the traceability will help prevent medicine fraud, eliminate duplication of serial numbers, and provide an end-to-end from lab to recipient transcription.

Solution Benefits
  • Medical Records
  • Clinical Trials
  • Patient Wearables
Key Features
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Distributed ledger , Technology
  • EHR
  • No
Company Information
  • New Jersey, United States
  • AI
  • Ondrej Gazda
Price Range
  • Undisclosed

Our team promotes cross-disciplinary collaboration through a multifaceted approach that values diversity, encourages teamwork, fosters continuous learning, and leverages expertise from various domains.

Diverse Team Composition: We actively recruit individuals with diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and perspectives. This diversity includes professionals with expertise in mathematics, computer science, data analysis, business strategy, and other relevant fields. By bringing together people from different disciplines, we create a rich environment for cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Open Communication Channels: We establish open and transparent communication channels within our team. This includes regular team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and project updates where team members can share ideas, discuss challenges, and collaborate on solutions. Encouraging open communication fosters a sense of belonging and encourages knowledge sharing.

Our team promotes cross-disciplinary collaboration through a multifaceted approach that values diversity, encourages teamwork, fosters continuous learning, and leverages expertise from various domains.

Diverse Team Composition: We actively recruit individuals with diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and perspectives. This diversity includes professionals with expertise in mathematics, computer science, data analysis, business strategy, and other relevant fields. By bringing together people from different disciplines, we create a rich environment for cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Open Communication Channels: We establish open and transparent communication channels within our team. This includes regular team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and project updates where team members can share ideas, discuss challenges, and collaborate on solutions. Encouraging open communication fosters a sense of belonging and encourages knowledge sharing.

Our team promotes cross-disciplinary collaboration through a multifaceted approach that values diversity, encourages teamwork, fosters continuous learning, and leverages expertise from various domains.

Diverse Team Composition: We actively recruit individuals with diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and perspectives. This diversity includes professionals with expertise in mathematics, computer science, data analysis, business strategy, and other relevant fields. By bringing together people from different disciplines, we create a rich environment for cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Open Communication Channels: We establish open and transparent communication channels within our team. This includes regular team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and project updates where team members can share ideas, discuss challenges, and collaborate on solutions. Encouraging open communication fosters a sense of belonging and encourages knowledge sharing.

Our team promotes cross-disciplinary collaboration through a multifaceted approach that values diversity, encourages teamwork, fosters continuous learning, and leverages expertise from various domains.

Diverse Team Composition: We actively recruit individuals with diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and perspectives. This diversity includes professionals with expertise in mathematics, computer science, data analysis, business strategy, and other relevant fields. By bringing together people from different disciplines, we create a rich environment for cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Open Communication Channels: We establish open and transparent communication channels within our team. This includes regular team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and project updates where team members can share ideas, discuss challenges, and collaborate on solutions. Encouraging open communication fosters a sense of belonging and encourages knowledge sharing.
