Cargo Monitoring via Smart Contract
The shipment monitoring systems creates visibility into the movement of goods and help cargo handlers to optimize their supply chain.
  • Supply Chain
Use cases
  • Decentralized Storage
  • DeFi
  • Reconciliation
Solution Overview

Smart contract solution is a modern way to secure the title of goods. The solution is powered by IoT and blockchain technology, which eliminates manipulation/alteration of contracts. The sensors, mounted in goods containers, act as smart agents and monitor the real-time temperature, RH, location, and many other criteria in compliance with the smart contract. All the concerned parties are immediately notified in case of contract breach.

Solution Benefits
  • Legally Enforceable Digital Contract
  • Personalized White labled Mobile App
  • Real-time Cargo Monitoring
  • Personalized Dashboard
Key Features
  • Remote Container Management
  • Real-time Temperature & Humidity Data
  • Both Satellite and Cellular Connectivity
  • Centralized Dashboard
  • No
Company Information
  • Orlando, Florida
  • AI
  • Ondrej Gazda
Price Range
  • Undisclosed