Guardtime SCM
Guardtime HSX platform bridges the gap between patients and pharma by providing the missing layer of security.
  • Healthcare
  • Supply Chain
Use cases
  • Decentralized Storage
  • DeFi
  • Reconciliation
Solution Overview

Guardtime SCM provides the solution path for enterprises and industries that are wrestling with the tough problems of modern complex supply chains and legacy systems. Designed to enhance and integrate with existing systems, and connect parties and smart devices across extended supply chains, Guardtime SCM enables digital transformation; bringing transparency, accountability, automation, process integrity and innovation to supply chains with minimal disruption.

Solution Benefits
  • Connectivity and Transparency
  • New Functionality and Innovation
  • Channel Integrity
  • SCM toolset for channel integrity
  • Protection from Counterfeits
Key Features
  • Automation
  • Efficiency
  • Drive digital transformation
  • Yes
Company Information
  • Tallinn
  • AI
  • Ondrej Gazda
Price Range
  • Undisclosed